Serving Amateur Radio Since 1930
Affiliated to the South African Radio League (SARL)
Official Transmissions
The PARC transmits South African Radio League bulletins on Sunday mornings at 08:15 to 08:30 SAST
in Afrikaans and 08:30 to 08:45 SAST in English.
Club Bulletin
Our club bulletin follows at 08:45 SAST originating on our 145.725 MHz club repeater.
Relays may be heard on 40m: 7,066 MHz and in the winter on 80m: 3,700 MHz
A re-transmission will take place on Monday evenings at 19:45 on 145,725 MHz
A live Swop-Shop is conducted after the PARC bulletin on 2m and 40m simultaneously. Swaps may also be submitted during the week to swopshop@parc.org.za.
Our Swop-Shop is now open for postings by all radio amateurs and dealers (free of charge but registration required) - whether club members or not. This will be on a trial basis to entice a broader spectrum of advertisers and dealers of any ham equipment and accessories. We will however monitor the Swop-Shop constantly and immediately remove any inappropriate postings.
The PARC produces a monthly newsletter, Watts, relating pertinent information, member news, member activities and technical articles. This is emailed and posted to members as well as this site. Access is not restricted.
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